Thursday, August 9, 2007


Worldviews? They're all the rage - everyone's got one. But many people won't admit it.

I will: I have a worldview. My life - how I think about things, what I do, what I say - is guided by this worldview. I am biased. I will not - I can not - claim to be neutral. Often, people or organizations (especially news organizations) claim to be unbiased and neutral. No one is; I am not, you are not. Every person acts from some conviction, from some impetus.

The common statement "I am not religious" really is a false statement. Allow me to demonstrate. I do not believe in chance. Don't let the negative construction of this sentence fool you - this is a statement of what I do believe: I believe that there is no such thing as pure chance. So when an atheist says "I don't believe in God", he is making a statement of belief: "I believe that God does not exist; I believe that life originates from _____." What he believes on this matter will affect how he thinks and inevitably, what he says and does. In this sense he is religious.

Yes, I have a worldview. I believe that the Judeo-Christian heritage from which Canada and America were established are immensely important and should be protected. I believe that government should be small and accountable. I believe that individual citizens have and must use freedom and civic duty. I can be categorized as a social conservative. This is not because I like other people who are also social conservatives; this is because I think the values of social conservatism largely mesh with my worldview. I am not tied to this label and category. I diverge from from any system of thought where its value or outworking diverges from my worldview.

I think, talk, act - and yes, write - from my worldview. It is important to acknowledge this fact right up front.

Aloud in the Street

Welcome to Aloud in the Street. The name of this blog is taken from Proverbs 1:20:

Wisdom calls aloud in the street,
she raises her voice in the public squares. (NIV)
While this is blog is my humble attempt at calling aloud in the street, I make no claims to my own wisdom. There is one true wisdom:
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
(Proverbs 1:7 NIV)
Alas, I am that fool often. That is why I do not claim that the words and thoughts I express in this blog are wisdom. That is why I need a lens through which to evaluate my ideas and others' ideas. That lens is the Truth: the Word of God, the Holy Bible.