Worldviews? They're all the rage - everyone's got one. But many people won't admit it.
I will: I have a worldview. My life - how I think about things, what I do, what I say - is guided by this worldview. I am biased. I will not - I can not - claim to be neutral. Often, people or organizations (especially news organizations) claim to be unbiased and neutral. No one is; I am not, you are not. Every person acts from some conviction, from some impetus.
The common statement "I am not religious" really is a false statement. Allow me to demonstrate. I do not believe in chance. Don't let the negative construction of this sentence fool you - this is a statement of what I do believe: I believe that there is no such thing as pure chance. So when an atheist says "I don't believe in God", he is making a statement of belief: "I believe that God does not exist; I believe that life originates from _____." What he believes on this matter will affect how he thinks and inevitably, what he says and does. In this sense he is religious.
Yes, I have a worldview. I believe that the Judeo-Christian heritage from which Canada and America were established are immensely important and should be protected. I believe that government should be small and accountable. I believe that individual citizens have and must use freedom and civic duty. I can be categorized as a social conservative. This is not because I like other people who are also social conservatives; this is because I think the values of social conservatism largely mesh with my worldview. I am not tied to this label and category. I diverge from from any system of thought where its value or outworking diverges from my worldview.
I think, talk, act - and yes, write - from my worldview. It is important to acknowledge this fact right up front.
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